My Ritual Lifestyle Coaching Approach

Witness is one of the greatest gifts of our lifetime. When combined with compassion towards ourselves, it helps us to start seeing the patterns of our lives with equanimity. Witnessing ourselves with honesty and compassion is the most powerful step towards allowing our highest selves to steer the direction of our life. It helps us to identify our truth; what gives us energy, what truly inspires us, what is the driving force of our life. Witness allows us to see what is generative and not generative without the deflating and extinguishing qualities of shame and guilt, and starts to help us uncover our most authentic self and our deepest truth.


Engaging in reflective practices serves as a dynamic tool, positioning the coach as the holder of a tender yet resolute mirror, through which individuals can authentically confront themselves. By intentionally carving out space and time for reflection in the coaching session, you gain invaluable distance from personal experiences, thereby unlocking novel perspectives that activate shifts in both thought and emotion. In the intricate dance of the client-coach connection, reflection emerges as the catalyst for metamorphosis—a scaffolding that shapes and orders the act of witnessing. This framing, whether drawn from the astute observations of the client, the coach, or a collaborative fusion of both, wields unparalleled influence. Reflection becomes an instrument


Cultivation is the act of intentionally focusing generative energy, care, and attention on what you want to manifest in your life. Taking care of what matters most to you and allowing for the falling away of all things that don't serve you anymore, with gratitude and respect for how those things have served and protected you in the past. Cultivation is the actualizing of your inner desires and boundaries; you create a fence and hold space, tending to your dreams and visions to grow, mature, and bloom into your life. Cultivation is taking action that is grounded in your most authentic self's needs and wants. Cultivation is done with intention and with an open hand, allowing you to take action towards change without grasping and clinging to the results or expectations.
